"I lost my merchant account due to
some fraud. I run several online sites and take payments for digital downloads,
video streaming and hard good sales. Surfnet was able to assist me. They actually
had me setup quicker than I could ge them all my product to load for their services
and once that was done the switch was flawless. I get paid quicker now and have a
cheaper rate as well. I am happy to be with such a knowledgeable provider as they
seem to be harder and harder to find."
- Chip
Harmon Concepts Intl. |
- If SurfNet assists me in getting a merchant account (direct or 3rd party) is it
necessary I only use it with a SurfNet
No, while most
of our clients do establish an Internet merchant account for the sole purpose of using
it with one of our commerce services this is not necessary in all cases. We have
obtained many merchant accounts for clients who run their own services or servers. Most
clients prefer to use the merchant services with our services since there is already
full integration and the setup time is very fast and
- How long does it take to get merchant processing
- Can I use someone else's merchant account
to do my transactions?
No, this practice is known as "credit card laundering" or "factoring."
It is against the Visa and MasterCard agreement. Using someone else's merchant account
to process your credit card transactions can lead to heavy fines and perhaps more. In
addition, you'll also put that merchant's credit
card processing
account in jeopardy.
- Are Internet merchant accounts compatible
with all shopping carts?
No. Shopping cart companies make their software compatible with
certain secure payment gateway. In addition, merchant account companies work with
different secure payment gateways so their clients can process credit cards
online. It's important to take to find out from your merchant account company
what secure payment gateway you'll be using. With SurfNet, we make this
process simple in that we support all major Internet gateways with all our core
services so most of the work is already done for you. If you plan to use your
merchant account with our services all that is required is go gain approval and
we can plug in your codes to our system to get you up and running.
- What are
A chargeback is what it's called when a transaction is reversed. In
other words, rather than adding money to your account it is deducted. Chargebacks can
occur for a wide variety of reasons, such as double charging, credit card expiration,
bank error and customer disputes.
- What kind of transaction reporting is
- Do I need to open a new bank account for
my merchant account?